Windows right click slow
Windows right click slow

windows right click slow

In windows 10 if context menu gets interrupted with third party software installed on your computer or if windows 10 files gets corrupted then you will face this issue and prevent desktop right click menu to respond slow or unable to load when you right click on desktop. Why Slow desktop right click context menu responds slow? Step 5: For Intel graphic users, find TheDesktopContextMenu and TheDesktopContextMenu (property sheet) and right click on them and disable them. Step 4: Now, find Nvidia CPL ContextMenu extension and right click on it and click on disable. Step 3: Open and run shellExView and it will take few seconds to scan context menu entries. Note: If the WindowsSearch key isnt available, you need to create it. Step 2: Download and extract file on your desktop HKEYLOCALMACHINESOFTWAREPoliciesMicrosoftWindowsWindows Search.

windows right click slow

Step 1: Navigate to Nirsoft webstie and download shellExView extension. In some cases, not related to shell extensions, the right-click menu may be extremely slow to appear when a system is connected to a network.

windows right click slow

Use ShellExView 3 rd Party tool to fix slow desktop right click context menu: That’s it, once you delete these 2 folders, go ahead and right click on your desktop now you will not be seeing any delay in right click context menu and slow desktop right click menu will be fixed. Step 8: Likewise, detele igfxZDTCM by right clicking on it and delete it. the right click will work perfectly now! Solved Windows 10 & Windows 8 slow right click menu.Step 7: Now delete, igfxcui and igfxDTCM folders and to delete it right click on igfxcui and delete it. Since now we have removed all the unwanted registry files in the Background registry which manages all the stuffs like Desktop wallpaper, Desktop performance, menus etc. This type of unwanted entry can cause great issues related to your computer performance. Such type of entries which are pointing to a program which no longer exists is called unwanted entries. As I told you in the beginning of this article, that entry in the registry is made during the installation of a program, but it never get deleted by Windows even after uninstallation of a particular application. Since it fills with information, it takes memory space on your system and causes computer’s performance issues. Registry can contain hundreds or thousand entries, and over the period of time entries in this registry keeps created. Registry is nothing but collection of information in Windows which keeps important information about your system hard wares, configuration of application programs that are installed and settings.

Windows right click slow